
70% of the real state market in LATAM uses window displays and only 30% uses online search engines. We bring the offline world (window displays) into the online world using a QR code.Scanio is 10x faster because reading a QR code takes less time than scheduling a meeting, making a call or visiting a website. From the first reading the buyer has access to the photos, videos, Q&A and the possibility of making offers 24/7 even when the owner or real estate agent is out of office. Using AI, Scanio also recommends suitable properties to the interested user based on location, budget and search patterns from previous QR code readings. Scanio will allow the user to obtain mortgage, credit, insurance, subsidies and all other financial elements required to lease or purchase the property in 5 minutes. The sum of all these processes could normally take months, Scanio is 10x faster
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